Assorted Links of Interest

The following is a page of links to Tweet’s Lazyyyyyyy highlighted, but are not necessarily threads.

New #ProtestArt commissioned by Yuen Long DC Kisslan Chan with taglines using witty play-on-words like "No Justice (無天里)", "Habitual Lying (慣說坊)", "Trashy System (爛制道)", "No Choices (零選巷)", "Besieged by Dogs (俾狗圍)", "Extremely Angry (極憤路)".

[#721Attacks trial] There's a mistake in the prosecution statement over the location where the attacks happened. The prosecutor has listed the WRONG platform number (should be platform no. 1 instead of 2) as "admitted facts", and such mistake can give defendants case for appeal. (Image via Citizen News)

[#721Attacks trial] There's a mistake in the prosecution statement over the location where the attacks happened. The prosecutor has listed the WRONG platform number (should be platform no. 1 instead of 2) as "admitted facts", and such mistake can give defendants case for appeal. (Image via Citizen News)

How NOT to lose hope when 1) "exile", "exodus", "persecution", "political prisoners", terms I used to encounter only in history textbooks and newspapers become our reality; 2) people start writing in codes, and "404 Not Found" becomes the norm?

This is BLATANT #DoubleStandards Police checked on a famous #YellowShop twice in 30 minutes to "ensure" that the tables there are at least 1.5m apart, but allowed the son of a pro-BJ ex-District Councillor to hold a wedding banquet involving 20 tables of guests. (Context: COVID-19 dining restrictions required restaurants to keep their tables 1.5 metres apart. Police were utilised to enforce COVID-19 (Cap 599G) social distancing restrictions. Numerous allegations suggested police were hawking yellow shops for Cap 599G violations while closing one eye to blue shops - March 2020)

This is BLATANT #DoubleStandards Police checked on a famous #YellowShop twice in 30 minutes to "ensure" that the tables there are at least 1.5m apart, but allowed the son of a pro-BJ ex-District Councillor to hold a wedding banquet involving 20 tables of guests. (Context: COVID-19 dining restrictions required restaurants to keep their tables 1.5 metres apart. Police were utilised to enforce COVID-19 (Cap 599G) social distancing restrictions. Numerous allegations suggested police were hawking yellow shops for Cap 599G violations while closing one eye to blue shops - March 2020)

(Translation by Lazyyyyyyy)1) The law shall be a shield for the good, who have nothing to fear behind its protection. The law, at the same time, shall be a sword that strikes the wicked, who shudder at the sight of its blade.2) This sword does not only belong to the government, who should have the same respect for it as everybody else. The government can use it to prosecute lawbreakers; the people, likewise, can use it to keep the government in check. (Source: 蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu’s British English Club on Facebook)

(Translation by Lazyyyyyyy)

1) The law shall be a shield for the good, who have nothing to fear behind its protection. The law, at the same time, shall be a sword that strikes the wicked, who shudder at the sight of its blade.

2) This sword does not only belong to the government, who should have the same respect for it as everybody else. The government can use it to prosecute lawbreakers; the people, likewise, can use it to keep the government in check.

(Source: 蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu’s British English Club on Facebook)

(Context: National Security Law - March 2020 - Before NSL was ratified)

How #Article23 would curb #HongKong's freedoms - 1) Allows search of private property without a warrant 2) Curtails our #FreedomOfSpeech 3) Applies to foreign nationals residing in #HongKong 4) Forbids local political parties from having ties with foreign groups. 5) Charges have no statute of limitations 6) Applies to overseas HKID holders 7) Failure to disclose information is also a criminal offence 8) Infringes on #PressFreedom 9) Blurs the conceptual distinctions between government and nation

Bittersweet Christmas songs medley for #HongKongers. (Christmas, December 2019)

(Source Facebook Page has been deleted. Videos preserved by Lazyyyyyyy here.)

(First tweet is from @Pinboard for context - Tweets from 26 October 2019)

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Another egregiously bad Hong Kong piece from the NYT. What the hell is going on? The chief reason the MTR is a target is that police attacked passengers on 8/31 and have been a ubiquitous presence since. There is a widespread belief that the MTR is covering up police killings.

Picture 28.jpeg

Following from Lazyyyyyyy:

Plus, there're a mounting no. of suspected cases of vandalism where the attacks couldn't be carried out by the so called "rioters". 1) how "rioters" breaking in from the OUTSIDE can possibly do this? 2) "rioters" strolling leisurely in a closed station with the police looking on?

Picture 29.jpeg

(Lazyyyyyyy in response to a dialogue on Hong Kong Protest tactics)

1) People may be wary of arson and vandalism, but these "violent" acts are as nothing compared to the atrocities committed by the police which they've witnessed first-hand in their own neighbourhood.

2) #hkPoliceBrutalitiy is the disease while vandalism and anti-government sentiment are only the symptoms. It's hard to imagine how to really eliminate the latter without getting rid of the former first.

(Context: Commentary from Lazyyyyyyy on problematic xenophobia that were a part of some of the protests, or, were highlighted in media. First Tweet is from Journalist Rachel Cheung).

Interesting results of survey of 268 mainland students studying in #HongKong. 37.7% percent were against extradition bill and 34.7% supported the protest, which is similar to the percentage against or neutral.

Lazyyyyyyy: Thanks for sharing these results. I believe we should all bear in mind that our enemy is the #CCP, NOT ordinary mainlanders even if they don't share our views. I'm seeing more posts and articles about xenophobia in #HongKong, and we can't risk losing the mainlanders on our side.

@4esc3: Media’s framing of the violence as xenophobic is misleading &dangerous. An easy & clearly effective tactic to order any mainland chinese to oppose the movement w/o true understanding. I also think its important the movement should do more to prove them wrong bout the “xenophobia”

Lazyyyyyyy: 1) Unfortunately, there's not much we can do about how protesters are portrayed in Chinese/pro-Beijing media outlets. I guess one of the reasons why mainlanders are targeted is that they aren't aware of the "protest etiquette", e.g., never take close-up photos of protesters. 2) I'm NOT saying that not respecting the etiquette constitutes a reason to be beaten, but since there're also Hongkongers who got confronted for the very same reason, so even if clashes do happen, it's unlikely that they are xenophobic in nature.

1/ The defence counsel of an American banker charged with obstructing and assaulting a police officer has applied for a permanent stay of proceedings, after it's revealed that the police had awarded the eyewitness a cash prize for being a "model citizen".

2/ Also, the police has admitted destroying one of the two CCTV footages showing the events leading up to the scuffle, rendering the proceedings fundamentally unfair against the defendant, argued his lawyer. #HongKong

3/ This is what happened (Video).


831 Prince Edward Explainer


NSL pre-Trial: Tam Tak-Chi (December 2020)