The Cost of Being a Youth in Hong Kong

(Context: 12 Hong Kongers were arrested on 23 August 2020 while trying to flee to Taiwan via boat. They were sentenced in secret proceedings in Mainland China.)

1/ The fear of being "disappeared" in the opaque and frequently abusive legal system of mainland #China sparked last year's #antiELAB protests, and what's happening to these 12 #HongKong residents shows that our concerns have been legitimate. #Save12HKYouths

2/ The #HongKong government insisted back then that the legal rights of the alleged offenders (such as #PresumptionOfInnocence, open trial, legal representation) would be protected and that there would be follow-up arrangements for post-surrender visits.

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3/ Yet, NONE of these happened. The Secretary for Security #JohnLee now claimed that the #HongKong government has no rights to intervene and can't even guarantee the defendants' right to choose their own counsel.

4/ While #HongKong's Chief Secretary #MatthewCheung simply asked the public to "respect the Chinese judicial procedures".

[#Thread] 1/ "Being young is a crime." The plight of the independent-minded secondary students in today #HongKong.

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2/ Getting stopped and searched by the @hkpoliceforce on a school day.

3/ Getting tackled to the ground for showing up in front of a neighbouring school. (Video embedded in link)

4/ Getting zip-tied and arrested for NO apparent reason.

4/ Getting zip-tied and arrested for NO apparent reason.

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5/ Getting attacked by pro-government thug while peacefully forming a human chain to show solidarity with pro-democracy activists. (Video embedded in link)

6/ Being subjected to disciplinary actions for singing and holding peaceful sit-ins OUTSIDE the school.

6/ Being subjected to disciplinary actions for singing and holding peaceful sit-ins OUTSIDE the school.

7/ Being threatened with arrests at school over "disrespect" for the national anthem.8/ Being put under heightened exam stress over a "controversial" question which the authorities deemed "inappropriate" and "seriously hurt the feelings and dignity of the Chinese people."9/ Being threatened with punishment for having a political stance and taking part in activities DISLIKED by the authorities.

7/ Being threatened with arrests at school over "disrespect" for the national anthem.

8/ Being put under heightened exam stress over a "controversial" question which the authorities deemed "inappropriate" and "seriously hurt the feelings and dignity of the Chinese people."

9/ Being threatened with punishment for having a political stance and taking part in activities DISLIKED by the authorities.


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