The anti-RTHK Movement - 2 April 2020

Link to Twitter Thread.

1/ Today, #RTHK is again being blasted for expressing views "not in line with" official narratives, but the "anti-#RTHK movement" orchestrated by the pro-#Beijing camp has been going on for months. Let’s see how it all started.

2/ The #HongKongProtests seemed to be the trigger of this growing political storm. The no-nonsense questioning by #RTHK reporter Nabela Qoser during official pressers has made her a hero among protesters.

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3/ Yet, she also attracted a lot of criticism online from the pro-#Beijing camp for asking challenging questions. Some even asked for her immediate dismissal.

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4/ Chinese netizens even singled her out in a series of propaganda aiming to demonise those they regarded to be in support of the #HongKongProtests.

5/ On Aug 13, around 30 people gathered outside the #RTHK building in Broadcast Drive to protest against the broadcaster for being "unprofessional" and "biased" against the government.

6/ Another anti-#RTHK demonstration was organised on Aug 24. Journalists were being both verbally and physically assaulted by Chinese-flag-waving crowd for filming. #RTHK was branded by demonstrators as a "subversive force".

7/ On Jan 09, local broadcaster TVB submitted a request to the Communications Authority to drop #RTHK programmes from its channels. TVB has argued in the past that the mandatory requirement is a historical leftover that's outdated.

8/ On Feb 14, #RTHK's satirical current affairs show #Headliner sparked a row for jokingly implying that the #HongKongPolice got more PPEs than other government agencies during the #coronavirus outbreak. English subtitles by @RealHKNews.

9/ Police Commissioner Chris Tang filed a formal complaint against #RTHK for "misleading the public" and "smearing the force".

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10/ I counted at least 5 anti-#RTHK protests after the controversial episode of #Headliner was aired (Feb 18, Feb 19, Feb 28, March 05 and March 13). Government supporters accused the broadcasters for "spreading hatred/fake news" and "damaging #HongKong".

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11/ Critics of #RTHK always insist that, the broadcaster, being a publicly-funded agency, should focus on contents aligned with the views of the government, or face budget cuts.

12/ The Communications Authority announced that commercial broadcasters are NO LONGER required to air #RTHK programmes. A reversal of the longstanding policy promoting public broadcasting service.

13/ The #RTHK Board of Advisers, leaded by #Beijing supporter Eugene Chan, urges the broadcaster to handle complaints "rigorously" and to discuss "how the editorial can better follow the #RTHK charter".

14/ #RTHK is facing mounting pressure to be "politically correct".

15/ The question is: For how much longer can the editorial independence of #RTHK last?

16/ Maybe one day soon, #RTHK will be required to vow absolute loyalty to the #CCP, protect the party's interest, and "bear the party's surname" just like mainland media outlets do. #HongKong #PressFreedom

17/ Two #RTHK radio show hosts are suspended due to complaints regarding their behaviours outside of work, one of them was being accused of posting a Fai chun on his/her personal social media account that seeks to "spread hatred".

18/ Unsurprisingly, paid "protesters" are out to call for the dismissal of @yvonne_tg for "advocating #TaiwanIndependence".

19/ When the whole pro-#Beijing camp and even #CarrieLam herself are out condemning #RTHK, it's obvious that the broadcaster's days as a trusted media outlet free from political interference are numbered.

20/ Is the withdrawal of resources and funding of #RTHK just an "inevitable" development that makes logistic and economic sense, or a punishment for the broadcaster's refusal to give up its #EditorialIndependence and become a government mouth-piece?


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