Cover Up Culture and COVID-19 in China

[Written 18 March 2020]

1/ I want to make my position clear before I start. I don't think it's fair to blame any one nation or population for a disease, but the MISHANDLING of an outbreak is another matter. This thread is about how the COVER-UP culture of the #CCP has led the world to where it is today.

2/ "According to the government data seen by the Post, a 55 year-old from Hubei province could have been the first person to have contracted Covid-19 on Nov 17." On Dec 27 2019, it's determined that the disease was caused by a new #coronavirus.

3/ On Dec 30, the Wuhan Health Commission (武漢市衛建委) issued an order requiring hospitals to report new cases of an unknown form of pneumonia, indicating that the disease has already caught the attention of the authorities.4/ More importantly, the order also PROHIBITED the release of any info about treatment of this new disease.

3/ On Dec 30, the Wuhan Health Commission (武漢市衛建委) issued an order requiring hospitals to report new cases of an unknown form of pneumonia, indicating that the disease has already caught the attention of the authorities.

4/ More importantly, the order also PROHIBITED the release of any info about treatment of this new disease.

5/ "On Dec 30, 2019, Ai Fen received a diagnostic report from a patient with an unknown form of pneumonia, …this report made its way among doctors in #Wuhan, and among those to share the report were the 8 doctors later taken in for questioning by the police."6/ Dr. #LiWenliang, who passed away in February after contracting the novel #coronavirus, was among one of the 8 whistleblowers arrested and reprimanded in early January for "spreading rumours".7/ The Huanan Seafood Market, which has been linked to a cluster of early cases of the then unknown disease, was shut down on Jan 01 for "regulation."8/ Despite the closure of the Huanan Seafood Market, "from Jan 1, 2020, through to Jan 20, 2020, for a full 20 days, not a word appeared in the #CCP's official People's Daily newspaper about the epidemic in #Wuhan." (Source: China Media Project)

5/ "On Dec 30, 2019, Ai Fen received a diagnostic report from a patient with an unknown form of pneumonia, …this report made its way among doctors in #Wuhan, and among those to share the report were the 8 doctors later taken in for questioning by the police."

6/ Dr. #LiWenliang, who passed away in February after contracting the novel #coronavirus, was among one of the 8 whistleblowers arrested and reprimanded in early January for "spreading rumours".

7/ The Huanan Seafood Market, which has been linked to a cluster of early cases of the then unknown disease, was shut down on Jan 01 for "regulation."

8/ Despite the closure of the Huanan Seafood Market, "from Jan 1, 2020, through to Jan 20, 2020, for a full 20 days, not a word appeared in the #CCP's official People's Daily newspaper about the epidemic in #Wuhan." (Source: China Media Project)

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9/ From Jan 11 to Jan 16, #Wuhan reported "no new cases" of the novel #coronavirus. (Source: The China Media Project)

10/ On Jan 13, Thailand became ground zero for #coronavirus' international outbreak. By then, the disease's no longer confined to the city of #Wuhan. Confirmed cases would be reported in the US, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan over the following days.

11/ China denied the possibility of sustained human-to-human transmission, and @WHO tweeted the findings on Jan 14, giving the statement "credibility".

12/ However, evidence has later emerged that casts doubts on the China's findings. The screenshot below allegedly shows that human-to-human transmission among hospital workers was detected as early as late Dec.

13/ On Jan 19, just 4 days before the lockdown of #Wuhan, the Chinese authorities still insisted that the virus was "preventable and controllable."

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14/ Life as usual, the Thousands Households Banquet, which involved over 40,000 families, was held as planned on Jan 19 in #Wuhan despite the outbreak.

15/ On Jan 20, cases were first reported from outside Hubei province, including in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. Only then did the China's health ministry confirm that the virus could be spread by human-to-human contact.

16/ The mayor of #Wuhan later admitted on state TV that he was not "authorised" to disclose info about the epidemic earlier on. (Video in link inside).

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17/ #Wuhan went into lockdown on Jan 23 as air and rail traffic were suspended, and the rest is history.

18/ As to how the incompetent responses of the @WHO have further hindered the global effort to contain the outbreak, please see the thread below. (Thread linked has since been deleted).

19/ "This timeline, compiled from information reported by the @WSJ, the @washingtonpost, the @SCMPNews and other sources, shows that China's cover-up and the delay in serious measures to contain the virus lasted about three weeks."


COVID-19 Rule Hypocrisy from Beijing


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