Together we climb the mountain, each in our own way

[Original thread]

1/ Now that the #HongKongProtests have quieted down due to the #coronavirus outbreak, many are asking what we can still do to help advance the cause of the pro-democracy movement in #HongKong. I don’t have the solution, but I want to share a little story.

2/ One of my mum’s friends is a rare “yellow (pro-democracy)” C9 (canto slang for full-time housewife) living in a public housing estate, and she takes it upon herself to make the “blue (pro-#China)“ C9s on the estate understand what the #HongKongProtests are about.

3/ She talks to them using a common language they share, like their concerns for their kids, or how a not-for-the-people government will affect them in their daily lives. And she was successful in turning many blue C9s in her social circle yellow.

4/ This story is inspiring because it shows us how important it is NOT to treat the opposite camp as a block, but as individuals who have their own concerns and feelings.

5/ It’s great that the #HongKongProtests have a very clear set of demands, but the question is do they really speak to the people, besides the dedicated protesters?

6/ As a #keyboardwarrior, I see my role as a “super-spreader” of ideas and positive vibes, I don’t hope to change the whole world, but if I succeeded in convincing just a few persons to see things as I do, I’d be more than happy.

7/ Don’t ever forget the motto of the movement, “Together we climb the mountain, each in our own way".

Lazyyyyyyy on how she came to participate on Hong Kong pro-democracy Twitter:




Cover Up Culture and COVID-19 in China