Hong Kong Newspapers Covering the 1967 Riots: The Pioneers of Fake News

[#Thread - The pioneers of #FakeNews]

1/ For 4 consecutive days, pro-BJ media outlets blasted @appledaily_hk for producing "fake news", smearing the gov't and glorifying violence. Let's go back a few decades, and see how these papers covered the 1967 riots. (h/t: @galileocheng)

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2/ This headline of Ta Kung Pao was literally a call to arms for students to OVERTHROW (鬥倒) the British administration.

Picture 40.png

3/ Again from Ta Kung Pao, the article on the left urged students to flay the colonists and break their bones (剝皮拆骨) so to avenge the wrongs done to their fellow Chinese.

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4/ This op-ed from Wen Wei Po praised and celebrated the "success" of the "bombing squad" which dealt a a punitive blow to the colonial government.

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5/ "The flame of revolution flares, the crowd fight courageously to punish the colonists", "A tram burnt down in Wanchai"

6/ These newspaper clippings show how the CCP-controlled media outlets are themselves the pioneers of violence-inciting fake news in #HongKong.


Merry Xmas


Injuries (First-Aider & Chow Tsz Lok)