Suspected LegCo Voter Fraud - March 2020

[Original Thread - Video Inside]

1/ There’s a video showing people filling out a large stack of voter registration forms (possible electoral fraud) going round on different social media platforms, and here's my humble effort to consolidate and verify the infos gathered from various sources. #HongKong

2/ A reddit user (…) has geolocated the jewellery shop in question. It’s where the shop with the bright pink sign used to be.

Picture 93.png

3/ Sample of the voter registration form can easily be found online, judging by the colour scheme and layout of the form, it does match up with what’s shown in the footage.

Picture 94.jpeg

4/ A LIHKG user (…) noticed that members of a martial arts club called 北角羅山派體育會 (LuoShan Sports Club) were present at the opening ceremony of the shop, and that’s what makes this story particularly interesting.

Picture 95.png
5/ Remember the white-shirted thugs who attacked protesters in North Point last August? They are allegedly members of an association called 香港第一青年會義工團 (First Young Volunteer Group) which is linked to LuoShan Sports Club in some obscure way.6/ According to @appledaily_hk, one the directors of First Young Volunteer Group is also head of the recreation department of LuoShan Sports Club.7/ What’s more problematic is that LuoShan Sports Club also has a close relationship with the Hong Kong Liaison Office. A high-ranking CCP official of the office even attended the inauguration of the club (…).8/ I can’t help but wonder if the Hong Kong Liaison Office is trying to influence the upcoming Legco election through its intricate web of umbrella groups.

5/ Remember the white-shirted thugs who attacked protesters in North Point last August? They are allegedly members of an association called 香港第一青年會義工團 (First Young Volunteer Group) which is linked to LuoShan Sports Club in some obscure way.

6/ According to @appledaily_hk, one the directors of First Young Volunteer Group is also head of the recreation department of LuoShan Sports Club.

7/ What’s more problematic is that LuoShan Sports Club also has a close relationship with the Hong Kong Liaison Office. A high-ranking CCP official of the office even attended the inauguration of the club (…).

8/ I can’t help but wonder if the Hong Kong Liaison Office is trying to influence the upcoming Legco election through its intricate web of umbrella groups.


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