The Patriot Test

[#Thread - "Patriot" test]

(Context: Hong Kong instituted a Patriot Test for those who are to run as District Councillors. One must swear loyalty to the CCP and Beijing in order to be a District Councillor.)

1/ Since only "patriots" can run #HongKong, I think it's more than reasonable to verify if the local officials meet the "patriotic" standards set out by the Central Government. Well, it seems that #CarrieLam FAILS miserably.

2/ #MatthewCheung isn't doing any better... (Quoting previous tweet). Hmm... "patriots" can't go against the "socialist state led by the working class"? Matthew Cheung owns 9 properties worth more than HKD$150 million, so surely, such a "capitalist counter-revolutionary" should be the first among the high officials to be fired?

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3/ #CYLeung is definitely a "traitor"!! (Quoting tweet from: Justin Lim - Here’s World’s Greatest Phony CY Leung asking China to uphold the joint declaration. What an absolute banter lord #standwithhongkong)

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4/ While #ReginaIp and Eunice Yung are both "secessionists"! This is scandalous

5/ And here comes one of the most vocal "patriots" #TamYiuChung!! (Quoting from previous Tweet: Let's welcome our anti-#CCP hero Tam Yiu-chung (譚耀宗), who "strongly condemned the bloody military crackdown on the students activists" and "reaffirmed that the students-led protests were a PATRIOTIC, PRO-DEMOCRACY movement." #6431Truth #TiananmenMassacre)

6/ Commerce Secretary Edward Yau Tang-wah refuses to "recognise the constitutional status of #HKSAR as a local administrative region of the PRC". (Quote tweeting Alvin Lum: Commerce secretary Edward Yau: products made in HK would be “wrongly labelled” as made in China.)

7/ And receiving some British Empire awards for her loyal services to her Queen the Majesty during the colonial rule certainly makes Rita Fan a "Han traitor"! (Quoting from previous tweet: Rita Fan is the ultimate embodiment of a servant of two masters. She's awarded an OBE then a CBE for her loyal services to her Queen the Majesty during the British rule, and now she shamelessly parades herself as a faithful servant of Beijing? Such "fluid" political affiliation!)

8/ Civil Service Secretary, and then Constitution and Mainland Affairs Minister, #PatrickNip, how dare you suggest that the Liaison Office ISN'T rightfully above the law!! (Quoting from previous tweet: "We also believe that the Liaison Office will abide by the laws of the #HongKong SAR in accordance with Article 22 of the #BasicLaw." A perfect example of political U-turn as demonstrated by Patrick Nip. #今日的我打倒昨日的我 (h/t:@hkchaiyumba)

9/ By sending his children away to Australia, Education Secretary #KevinYeung is denying them the chance to "develop a sense of national identity" and "help protect our motherland", how UNPATRIOTIC of him!!

10/ @joshuawongcf made a very detailed list of the family status of some of the most prominent officials and the overseas properties they own.

11/ CPPCC member Jackie Chan was also once a "democratic activist". (Quoting previous tweet: How money corrupts our soul! These vocal supporters of the #CCP and #NationalSecurityLaw were once "democratic activists" who rallied in support of the student protesters in Beijing's #TiananmenSquare calling for #democracy in #China. #HongKong #ShameOnThem)

12/ This sums up quite neatly what constitutes a "patriot". (Quoting previous tweet: Life in todays's #HongKong is exactly as is described in the comedy Her Fatal Ways (表姐,你好嘢!) "Fear not, you'll have a bright future if you have never done/said anything against the Party, have never had negative thoughts about the Party, have never taken part in protests.")


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